Blog for thoughts, ideas, the journey and ??

Although the site is undergoing construction, or perhaps destruction, from time to time the site will be updated and posted over and over until there is a satisfactory feel for this site.

I feel nervous and slightly cautious, thinking that what we post for sale is not adequate for a market. Then, I reassess the time and passion that I work with as I create and I regard feedback from friends and strangers alike that what I present to them is a beautiful product. There are numerous products not unlike what I am fabricating in my small humble shop and many rods and reel seats that I witness have their beauty as well. All those that fabricate a reel seat or bamboo rod know the time that is invested in completing this journey one at a time. Time is one aspect that cannot be denied, but the passion that is aligned with intention of what is created is utmost in determining the ultimate value. I do not mean the dollar value.


2 thoughts on “Blog for thoughts, ideas, the journey and ??

  1. I have been a rod builder / guide in NY for …well for longer than I would care to admit. The quality , attention to detail, customer relation is second to none. We build vintage orvis graphite,as well as sage/ winston or bamboo from our shop. These seats ARE. On the same playing field as all the big name seat makers on the market.. I proud to add them to my rods

  2. I have bought several of Weg’s Leonard style reel seats over the last couple of years. I find the design, style and workmanship of these reel seats to be superior to most other reel seats on the market and at least equal to Bellinger’s and REC’s reel seats, which many consider to be the best in the business !

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